Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Ecotourism Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Ecotourism - Essay Example uld be considered as culturally significant for the local people, it becomes necessary to take care that tourism does not in any way hurt the well being of such communities. Infact one way of improving the well being of the local communities would be to provide them with direct financial benefits to help them conserve the environment or purchasing goods and services directly from them and empowering them. As can be seen from the above discussion, the main difference, as Beeton (1998) points out, between other types of tourism and eco-tourism is that eco-tourism is more involved in conserving the ecological aspect of the environment; there is greater attention given to the ethical aspect of preserving the environment and improving the well being of the local communities involved. Ecotourism activities can include a whole range of activities from photography, wild life viewing, bird watching, mountaineering and even skiing. These activities can come under different categories of touris m but they become ecotourism activities solely when people become aware of the ethical responsibility they have in preserving and conserving the environment. It is therefore not hard to imagine why ecotourism is given precedence in the study of sociology. Sociology, put simply, is the study of the society. It provides deep insight about the social behavior and activities of humans within a society. Buckley (2004), states that the study of social norms is an inherent part of the discipline of sociology and social norms especially pertinent to outdoor creation, have drawn considerable attention in the past few years. Therefore, ecotourism in sociological terms simply seeks to define social norms which are used in evaluating outdoor behavior and environmental conditions. The growth of... Ecotourism Encouraging ecotourism in developing countries would firstly and fore mostly help the economy diversify. As a result of promoting ecotourism, more businesses will spring up and further business expansion in different fields would help spread the risk over a range of diverse economic activities. This is most important relevant to those developing countries who are highly dependent on a single sector in their economy (oil production or agricultural production). The diversification will also help bring in monetary benefits for the local economy. By bringing people into the area, new money will be injected into the economy. The most important strategy for a sustained ecotourism approach is to increase the participation and involvement of the local people. The whole essence of ecotourism lies in its ability to improve the well being of the local community. The new money circulating in the economy can be used in a variety of forms. It can be used on public expenditure and can be spent on building infrastructure for the country. It can also take the form of greater employment opportunities, and increased production which will attempt to increase the GDP of the country. Production induced phenomenon will work when businesses will buy goods and services from other business and consumption induced phenomenon will work when the final consumers would buy goods and services. However, the promotion of ecotourism must be done with caution because it can also put an additional burden on the financial and economic resources of the country.

Monday, October 28, 2019

Morality Essay Essay Example for Free

Morality Essay Essay In 1994 Kevin Carter won the Pulitzer Prize for Photography thanks to a photograph that he took in the village of Ayod in Sudan of a child crawling towards a feeding center. Whether it was morally right for him to have captured that moment instead of helping the child is a debate with many people. Some people believe that it was right because it helped stop the famine in Africa, others believe it was wrong because he did not aid the child after taking the picture. It is understood that there was thousands of refugees walking and crawling towards the food center, so was he suppose to help everyone or just that child? In philosophy class we have been talking about Morality in Kant’s point of view which is the Categorical Imperative and also about the Morality point of view based on Consequentialism. I believe that it was not morally permissible for Kevin Carter to leave the child because of Kant’s point of view on Morality, and that he should have not won the Pulitzer Prize for Photography based on this photo and I will explain why in this essay. According to Kant we should base morality on the Universal Law which means we should universalize our actions. This law is the same as the Golden Rule; Treat others the way you want to be treated. What Kant established basically was that we should respect all persons morally equal. The Consequentialism point of view on morality on the other hand is that we should base it on the principle of utilitarianism which means that for an action to be moral it must produce â€Å"The Greatest amount of Good for the Greatest amount of people†. Even though I agree with the consquentialism point of view on morality I do not agree with it this time. Why? Because I believe that at all times we should treat others the way we want to be treated and that all humans are equal. This is why when answering our question I based my answer on Kant’s point of view based on morality. I believe that it was not morally permissible for Kevin Carter to leave the child after he took the picture. First of all I believe that Kevin should have not taken the picture period, he should have right away went to aid the child. Like Kant said we should treat others the way we want to be treated, if Carter was in a position like that he would have not liked to be left there to his own luck. I understand that Carter had a professional obligation where he is only an observer not a participant, which means he was only there to observe and take pictures of the whole situation. I also understand that he was there illegally and that he did not want to get caught yet he had a personal responsibility to help the child. In passage given to us by Professor Jordan it is said that Carter was with a group of photojournalist called â€Å"the Bang-Bang Club† by a Johannesburg magazine. These people wanted to make the world aware of all the issues of injustice. There is where I believe that Carter’s personal responsibility plays role. Carter wanted the world do be aware of all the issues going around the world and for them to help. They were there because they wanted other countries all around the world to stop the famine, yet he did not help a child when it was in his hands to help that child and just left. Carter here was contradicting his believes to start with. Carter did not only just take the picture but waited several minutes for the vulture to spread his wings so he could get a more dramatic shot. Carter did not only use the child to get a picture but waited patiently to get a better picture instead of scaring the vulture right away from the child and helping him or her. There were more pictures that could have impacted us, and I am sure that if he looked around he would have found this is why I do not believe he should have taken the picture. I do not believe that he should have won the Pulitzer Prize for Photography based on that photo. I think that it was wrong to win a prize by using other people. Carter used the child and did not even aid the child. Considering that I believe that it was wrong for Carter to have even taken that picture I strongly do not believe that he should have won that prize. Carter could have used any other photograph to get his point across yet he decided to use that one and take his sweet time to take it anyways, he used the child and did not help her. I honestly do no believe that he should have one that prize. In Conclusion I believe that Carter should have not used the child to take that picture, and he shouldn’t have won the prize. I believe that Carter had the responsibility to help the child because he saw the child suffering and in danger of getting attacked by the vulture. Given the fact that he was the only one there he had the responsibility to help the child. We should do unto others what we would like to be done to us. If I was in that child’s position I would have liked to be helped like I am sure Carter would have too. I think that if Carter would have helped the child he would have not been depressed and committer suicide because he would have known he did something good by helping the child. Like I said before I am pretty sure he could have chosen another photograph to get his point across to have people help stop the famine. Besides he wanted people to help yet it was in his reach to help this child and he did not? He was going against his own believes in my opinion. I believe that it was morally wrong for Carter to not help the child get to the food bank or at least a safer place, closer to were that child could get the help needed.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Lobster: A Poor Man’s Food Evolves into a Wealthy Man’s Food :: Essays Papers

Lobster: A Poor Man’s Food Evolves into a Wealthy Man’s Food When do natural products become a delicacy? They become a delicacy when they become harder to find in their natural setting. This is what happened to the lobster and how the demands of the consumers changed. During Colonial times, the status of lobster was much different than today. It was once considered a poor man’s food. Now, it is considered a delicacy and found in many fancy dishes and at most higher priced restaurants. Today, lobster prices are high. If you want to eat a good lobster, you have to pay a decent price for it. The change in status of lobster occurred when the supply of lobster started to become depleted. As the sources of lobster were being depleted the demand increased in wealthier markets. This occurred because wealthier people could afford the higher prices created by a shrinking supply. The supply of the lobster population is what influenced the changing demands of the consumers. When settlers first came to America, lobster was considered a poor man’s food. The lobsters were so abundant at that time that many people felt that they were competing with them for space on the shore. The settlers felt that the lobster had no nutritional value. At that time both Native Americans and settlers used the lobster as fertilizer for their fields and as bait to catch other fish. Lobster was so disdained that it was given to prisoners, indentured servants, and children. This was such a common practice that in Massachusetts many servants and prisoners had it put into their contract that they could not be fed lobster more than two times a week. In the end, new technological innovations caused the disappearance of cheap lobster. Traps and smack boats were two technologies that greatly influenced the depleting lobster population. Lobstering changed from a hunting and gathering activity for local subsistence into a prosperous business enterprise. It became a business because fishermen were now trying to fill the demands of the consumers. The New Englanders were suddenly using lobster as a way to earn an income. New technologies helped them catch more lobsters to sell to more people. One of the new technologies invented was the use of traps to get the lobsters.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Philosophy of Education Essay -- Philosophy on Teaching Educational Es

Philosophy of Education My philosophy of education would include a classroom that supports creativity and gives students an opportunity to explore the world in the confines of four walls. Knowledge results from countless experiences and interactions throughout an individual’s lifetime. I believe the purpose of education is to allow students to discover who they are through exploring who has come before them, and what is possible for them in the future. Formal education should provide students with more than a foundation in basic disciplines. It should develop skills that will facilitate living and working in an ever-changing world; one filled with diversity. As a teacher, I would hope to illustrate to my students how vital each and every one of them is to the world as a whole. My classroom would be bright and colorful. Examples of students’ work would be displayed. The environment will be student centered. The desks would be arranged in a circle for class discussions, and be moved into separate stations for cooperative work. Computers would be stationed around the classroom and used frequently. Discovery based learning would be a major factor considered in the design of my classroom. Students will have the choice of using various resources and materials to suit their preferred style of learning. Some of us are listeners, readers, or just may simply need to get our hands dirty. An effective classroom teacher would be able to cater to all of these academic...

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Man Is His Own Worst Enemy Essay

Right from the beginning, Man rules supreme over all other life forms. He establishes himself at the top of the food chain, he goes through painstaking experiments to lit up the darkness that comes at night and through decades of scientific progression he is able to pit himself against the unpredictable weather changes. Thus he is able to place himself parallel to cosmic significance. He then proceeds to defeat the onslaught of diseases and the invisible enemies known to us as bacteria and viruses and conquers geographical hurdles. Man sustains his own survival in ways no other life forms can. The sophisticated ways in which Man maintains his existence remain uncontested by any other life forms.  Clearly, humans set themselves apart from the other species because the human body is gifted with impeccable intellectual abilities. At a glance at all the achievements man had single handedly accomplished over the time, one must think what mortal hand or eye could challenge man for his po sition. But one may want to think again. No animals would inflict pain on another of their own kind, or even other kinds, for reasons other than self-defence and food. Yet the intelligent Man would. History of mankind illustrates man’s propensity to achieve his personal greed and glory at the expanse of another of kind. This aspect of Man remains uncontested too. I opened my mail box one morning and received a copy of The Economist. The front cover reads â€Å"A heart-rending but necessary war†. It is rather amazing how man can associate war with the term ‘necessary’. The article speaks of the retaliation of United States against the terrorist attacks of September 11th 2001. After the two great wars that threatened to annihilate the entire tapestry of humanity in the twentieth century, Man still has not learned. Man has ironically progressed from an uncivilised state to now where killing each other has become a necessity. Dropping bombs and food supplies at the same time is evidence of the disillusionment that man brings upon himself. The anti-terrorist war in Afghanistan comprises a series of bomb attacks targeted on terrorists’ camps. At the same time food supplies are also being dropped on similar grounds, targeted on innocent civilians. Surely by supplying food to the civilians man must have contemplated initially the repercussions that would follow if a war should begin? Perhaps we should applaud that man has finally found ‘civilised’ way waging a war? Or does it  reinforce that the greatest tragedy lies in the fact that man is aware of the consequences of his own action and still continues with it? War could only mean one thing; civilians from both sides die, guilty and non-guilty alike. Man is torn between what is essentially right and wrong. He chooses to kill some and save some. At the end of the day he realises that it doesn’t have to be that way at all if he had kept to what is essentially necessary, that is peace. But no, man would not hear of that now. He would want to venture into something he does not know and learn things the hard way, bringing down with him innocent lives and p recious natural resources vital for future consumption. Man has now to face the unbeatable monster in him. Consider the nuclear and biochemical weapons that man has invented. Is this another folly of the fallen man? That, we are not sure just as yet but we know nuclear weapons are not built because they happen to be another high-tech devices set in trend. It is because the existence if nuclear weapons also comes with it a newfound power for the owner. A power to kill and to control. Finally, man has found the ultimate killing means that promises high death rates and effective elimination of any party that get in his way with great ease. But the underlying nuances for such creation is scarier, the insinuation that man would destroy each other at some point in time willingly, without actual consideration for the consequences of it. This is quite ironic for man who wielded such supreme intellect, to not to consider his actions. Or is it that Man just does not care? Examine the case of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, where the first atomic bombs were dropped and killed more than the actual numbers at that time. The ghost of the event still haunts many today psychologically and physically. The bombs that US are dropping on Afghanistan’s territories are supposed to explode upon reaching the ground but many did not. These bomblets would then maim and kill many like landmines long after the war has ended. Man has set out to kill themselves after centuries of trying to survive? The numbers killed in relative to proportion is explicitly high and man still could not explain himself. World War II saw the physical manifestation of evil in man. Over six million  Jews were expeditiously eradicated for good from the face of the earth. Consider the methodical and efficient ways the Jews are killed tells of man who would inflict torture and pain on another fellow human being maliciously and intentionally for basically no reason at all. Even if the whole war boils down to the one sole lunatic proprietor, Hitler, it gives no reason for the rest below him to carry out such senseless killings simply because it was an order. It still astounds many that such acts that cause such revulsion now did not seem so to the culprits at that time. Man is such complicated creature that his existence is full of conflicts within himself. To defeat your enemy must mean that you understand him, but man is now faced with an enemy that he could not at all comprehend despite the natural intellect ordained from above. A famous philosopher once said that the greed in man sows the seeds of deceit and eventually downfall of the man himself. Adam Smith’s theory of the laissez faire, to put it nicely, is the liberal allowances for man to exploit the resources for his own satisfaction. Karl Marx opposes that theory and put it simply that such freedom of actions in economy would eventually allow the greed of man to multiply itself until it could not contain itself, thus the outburst of despair would mark the end of humanity. In Singapore, we are faced with the worst recession since the 1960s and approximately 30000 to 40000 people are out of job. In the US, more than 400 000 people are laid off in two months and numbers are still expected to rise. What we are seeing here is that the players in the economy have played against themselves. During these times, those who had hands in the stocks investments find themselves literally with nothing. The ‘Notices’ section in the newspapers sees an increase in the number of bankruptcies. Participants in the race for property ownerships in Singapore, particularly during the mid 1990s experienced an exponential plunge in property prices and landed themselves in unending debts. Greed for purchasing power tempted many to subscribe to more than one credit card and now find themselves not able to keep afloat in the interests that tantamount to hundreds of thousands of dollars. Many do not realise their own folly until they fall flat in their faces. Hence the greed, miscalculation and speculative spirit  becomes what responsible for the downfall of man. In daily ventures, individuals often find themselves entangled in webs of deceit, lies, manipulation, jealousy and spite. Many times, Man is the cause of failed relationships and careers. Over-indulgence and yielding to temptations, it seems like Man’s nature works like the double-edged sword. It could build or destroy oneself. Life progresses from one of blissful existence to one of struggle. In every man lies the green-eyed monster, the inextinguishable greed and within these also is the struggle of conscience. Thus is the nature of man who has become so intricate and practically unfathomable. Until man could finally understand himself, what he wants and what is essentially necessary in life, he remains his own worst enemy.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

James A. Van Allen Biography

James A. Van Allen Biography You cant see it or feel it, but more than a thousand miles above Earths surface, theres a region of charged particles that protects our atmosphere from destruction by the solar wind and cosmic rays. Its called the Van Allen belt, named for the man who discovered it.   Meet the Belt Man Dr. James A. Van Allen was an astrophysicist best known for his work on the physics of the magnetic field that surrounds our planet. He was particularly interested in its interactions with the solar wind, which is a stream of charged particles flowing from the Sun. (When it slams into our atmosphere, it causes a phenomenon called space weather). His discovery of radiation regions high above Earth followed up on an idea held by other scientists that charged particles could be trapped in the uppermost part of our atmosphere.  Van Allen worked on Explorer 1, the first U.S. artificial satellite to be placed in orbit, and this spacecraft revealed the secrets of Earths magnetosphere. That included the existence of the belts of charged particles that bear his name.   James Van Allen was born in Mount Pleasant, Iowa on September 7, 1914. He attended Iowa Wesleyan College where he received his Bachelor of Science degree. He went on to the University of Iowa and worked on a degree in solid state physics, and took a Ph.D. in nuclear physics in 1939. Wartime Physics Following school, Van Allen accepted employment with the Department of Terrestrial Magnetism at the Carnegie Institution of Washington, where he studied photodisintegration.Thats a process where a high-energy photon (or packet) of light is absorbed by an atomic nucleus. The nucleus then splits to form lighter elements, and releases a neutron, or a proton or an alpha particle. In astronomy, this process occurs inside certain types of supernovae.   In April 1942, Van Allen joined the Applied Physics Laboratory (APL) at Johns Hopkins University where he worked to develop a rugged vacuum tube and did research on proximity fuzes (used in explosives and bombs). Later in 1942, he entered the Navy, serving in the South Pacific Fleet as an assistant gunnery officer to field test and complete operational requirements for the proximity fuzes. Post-War Research   After the war, Van Allen returned to civilian life and worked in high altitude research. He worked at the Applied Physics Laboratory, where he organized and directed a team to conduct high-altitude experiments. They used V-2 rockets captured from the Germans.   In 1951, James Van Allen became head of the physics department at the University of Iowa. A few years later, his  career took an important turn when he and several other American scientists developed proposals for the launch of a scientific satellite. It was to be part of the research program conducted during the International Geophysical Year (IGY) of 1957-1958. From Earth to the Magnetosphere After the success of the Soviet Unions Sputnik 1 launch in 1957, Van Allen ¹s Explorer spacecraft was approved for launch on a Redstone rocket. It flew on January 31, 1958, and returned enormously important scientific data about the radiation belts circling the Earth. Van Allen became a celebrity due to the success of that mission, and he went on to achieve other important scientific projects in space. In one way or another, Van Allen was involved in the first four Explorer probes, the first Pioneers, several Mariner efforts, and an orbiting geophysical observatory. James A. Van Allen retired from the University of Iowa in 1985 to become Carver Professor of Physics, Emeritus, after having served as the head of the Department of Physics and Astronomy from 1951. He died of heart failure at the University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics in Iowa City on August 9, 2006. In honor of his work, NASA named two radiation belt storm probes after him. The Van Allen Probes were launched in 2012 and have been studying the Van Allen Belts and near-Earth space. Their data is helping the design of spacecraft that can better withstand trips through this high-energy region of Earths magnetosphere.   Edited and revised by Carolyn Collins Petersen

Monday, October 21, 2019

Social Life in Australia essays

Social Life in Australia essays On the 1st of January 1901 Australia began its Federation in all colonies, which joined the many colonies together into one nation. It was one of the biggest and most important and historical event that has occurred in Australia. Life back then was different a lot different than it is today, the buildings, transport, politics, and attitudes towards the aborigines. The living and working conditions from 1900 to 1914 depended on which social class you belong to. There were three different classes, the upper class in which consists of the rich people who owned lots of acres of land and owned large business, the middle class, people who earn a substantial amount of money - usually shopkeepers or those who have a professional job. There is also the working class, which is the lowest class the people that belong to this class usually works for a boss the majority of the people belonged to this class. The people that belong to this class make little money and had a small choice of leisure activities. Eight-hour day movement was used in factories and the workers usually worked from 8a.m till 6p.m with 1 hour of dinner. Wages were minimal and if the workers complained about them they were sacked. Most workers were expected to work until the age of 65 years without any extra benefits. Most people in major cities worked in factories and there were over 10,000 factories. It was a harsh environment as in the summer the temperature can reach well over 40 degrees Celsius and the factory owners treated them little better than slaves. Factories were usually an unsafe workplace as well and inspections were made every now and then and if the workplace was unsafe, there is a fine of approximately 1 shilling. The bosses simply ignored this and paid the fines. If workers were asked to go overtime, there is no increased pay and if they refused to do extra work they would get sacked. Some workers had to walk 5km to get home after working. In 1901 ne...

Sunday, October 20, 2019

How to achieve expert status, HR Zone - Emphasis

How to achieve expert status, HR Zone How to achieve expert status, HR Zone Browse the business aisles of any bookshop and youll find an array of how-to titles. Whether youre hiring or firing, theres guaranteed to be a text extolling the latest methods, explains Rob Ashton. It can be tempting to think that these gurus are cut from a different cloth to normal folk. But the reality is that theyve achieved their expert status in large part by putting their thoughts and ideas in writing. Imagine that youve launched a company-wide initiative that will reduce labour turnover by 10 per cent over a six-month period. The managing director has asked you to share your success at the annual conference. But as the big day looms, you decide to let a colleague take the daunting task of speaking at the podium. Your colleague not only presents the project in all its glory, but speaks with such authority that people automatically associate her with being the expert. And youre left with little, if any, public recognition. The moral of the story (aside from always accepting public speaking invitations) is to make sure you own your ideas by getting them down on paper. For example, you could have distributed reports to all the employees in your company to demonstrate that you were the expert in that particular initiative. Cultivating expert status through writing is a smart move. It can lead to promotions, awards and all manner of challenging opportunities. You may not want to be a Sunday Times bestselling author, but you can still gain credibility within the HR world by writing reports, articles, white papers and blogs. So here are five steps to help you write your way to expert status in your organisation and beyond. One Always ask what employees need and want, even if youve been working with them for years. People change, so keep finding out what really makes them tick. Then, consistently take action to develop original HR practices. Dont be afraid to do things differently (provided of course its not just change for changes sake). Two Think beyond the nuts and bolts of your job and ask yourself how your work truly affects the lives of others. And always focus on the needs of your readers before you write any document. Remember, to gain authority in your organisation, you need people to connect with your writing. So be clear about who will read your document, how important it is to them and how interested they are in it. Use this information to help you shape the content. And make sure you speak directly to the reader by using words such as you, we, us and our. Three Give power to the people by including them in your writing. For example, its more effective to write that one in five people are now happier in their jobs than using the term 20 per cent. And use the active voice as much as possible. For example, youve helped to create over 700 new customers this year is far more effective than Over 700 customers have been created this year with your help. Four Write letters to HR magazines to comment on industry stories. Use the SCRAP formula to help structure your letter. The acronym stands for: situation, complication, resolution, action and politeness. Situation Begin by explaining the current situation or particular issue. For example, you may wish to highlight typical grades of the current graduate intake. Complication Introduce the idea that theres a problem. In this case, the problem could be that personnel managers are wasting time interviewing candidates who dont have the required skills, as grades seem to be a poor indicator of ability in the workplace. Resolution State your resolution to the problem. This could be forging links with universities to conduct undergraduate training in core workplace skills. Action Suggest what action the reader can or should take. You might want the reader to carry out your suggestion locally and report back to you. Politeness Finally, end with a polite, but thought-provoking sign-off. Five Cast your net even wider by contributing full-page articles to HR magazines and other business titles. Always send a synopsis of the article to the magazine first. Write an attention-grabbing headline and standfirst (the two lines under the headline). Then write a snappy opening paragraph and a few sentences about what your article will include. If the editor likes your idea, theyll work with you to decide on the exact content. It doesnt matter if youre a director or working your way up through the ranks, now is the time to start positioning yourself as an expert. Your ideas and recommendations are powerful, so take the time to tell people about them and document them effectively.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Gem Infosys Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Gem Infosys - Case Study Example Among the key actions are the formulation of a security response team and a policy on the recovery process. The security response team will be designed to respond to any security breaches. The team members must be responsible and endeavor to work in order to prevent security breaches. They should be available anytime time and even stop any work they are doing that is underway in order to deal with the impending incidence. The response team should be formed by the organizational employees. Each department should be represented in the response team to ensure a holistic approach in deterring the incidences. In order to function optimally, the team should be bestowed with the authority to make the decisions that are needed in order to prevent the threat or resolve the actual malware attack (Runciman, 2011). The team should have a leader that will help in conducting and directing the affairs of the group. The team should be trained on the response activities that are involved in ensuring security of the group. Key among them is staging fire drills. The internal exercises will be essential in determining the holes that can be the entry of the malware into the system. In order to save the cost of operating a team, the organization can hire an outside response team. It is much cheaper for the fact that the team will only have to deal with the actual security threats unlike the internal organization that has to deal with firewall management, changing user accounts and passwords, or reviewing log files. However, outsourcing the response team has its disadvantages for there is no effective and timely incidence response like in the case of the internal response team. The disaster recovery process involves getting the files and programs that have been compromised back into use. The files and disks are loaded back into the servers for use again. In the policy, the recovery team

Friday, October 18, 2019

Brain-computer interface Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Brain-computer interface - Essay Example The study starts by having a hypothesis on the continued growth in technology as the main approach is ensuring continuity in Brain-computer interface. The first experiment on Google was to determine if Brain-computer interface is accompanied by an easier platform in the working conditions or harder. Installing the use of Brain-computer interface infrastructure, matches recommended infrastructure such as that of IBM, HP, Microsoft, Sun, EMC and Oracle (Tan and Nijholt 13). Brain-computer interface refers to the virtual delivery of computing technology as a service as opposed to being a product. According to Tan and Nijholt (26), with the use of Brain-computer interface, shared resources such as software and information is shared through interlinked networks on the internet. Studies on Amazon and sales force adopt the nature of working with the application of the new technology. The networks operate on a virtual platform assuring displacement of information in all the connected networks. Data warehousing is a database that organizations use for analysis and reporting. Data stored in the ware house is uploaded from operational systems, which may pass through operational data store to gain additional information before stored in the Data warehouse for reporting usage. In the research analysis by Tan and Nijholt, a simple data warehouse uses staged data to integrate and access layers in housing key functions. In the staging process, raw data is stored. In tegration involves layer integration where data is placed in hierarchical groups. The access layer is hence used by the user to retrieve data. The linkage between the two systems is applicable in many levels (Tan and Nijholt 26). The 21st century has been converted with the emerging effect displayed by the brain-computer interface environment creates an interesting merge of information. Data warehousing performs the same effect of what is does to the web server. It will raise the

ENVM510_M5GradedAssign Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

ENVM510_M5GradedAssign - Assignment Example In the study related in the question, potential bias could stem from the following aspects; selection of samples, estimation biases, detection biases, exclusion bias, analytical bias and reporting bias. These biases all affected the results of the research in one way or another. The selection bias relates to bias that arises from the selection of samples for the study. These lead to a control of the results and hence a sense of bias. Estimation biases guide the study in making estimates or drawing conclusions in a study. Detection bias refers to the prejudiced mind in detecting the aspect of study. The mind would have the research emphasize a specific set of people while ignoring others that could easily prove helpful to the study. Exclusion bias comes in when a study seems to exclude a given set of people from the study yet could provide reasonable samples to provide a reasonable outcome. Exclusion could prove less professional in research and this could have the right people for the study closed out hence affecting the results. Analytical bias refers to that bias that arises in a research study due to poor evaluation techniques of the results. The analytical bias results at the analytical stage with many people evaluating the results badly due to the prejudicial state of their minds on the expected results of the study. Lastly, reporting bias arises from the last stages of a research. These contribute much to the report developed after that could have value based on the nature of information provided. The bias affects the research in the sense that it provides results reported with more inclination to the mindset that the researcher held during the process. The existence of bias in most of the material used for the research makes readers or the users obligated to identify the aspects of bias and their effects to the work at hand (Gerhard, 2008). Addressing the aspects of bias that exist in a research requires a thorough consideration

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Critically review so called push and pull system of control for supply Essay

Critically review so called push and pull system of control for supply chains in the automotive sectore - Essay Example It is pretty obvious that the production process will most certainly be geared towards producing those items that are in greater demand as any business entity tries to shorten the working capital cycle as much as possible so as to generate maximum amount of profit in the shortest possible time frame. But there is one other element that affects the overall profitability of any organisation, and that is the volume of capital employed. As any student of management accounting is aware of, the quantum of capital employed in plant and machinery is more or less uniform across an industry as all players generally opt for the latest technology so as to enjoy maximum levels of operating efficiency. So, there is not much to differentiate between the competitors in that regard. But the area where the leaders leave the stragglers behind is supply chain management and inventory control. If a proper and taut control over inventory is not maintained, the level of capital employed can never be brough t down while keeping the operational efficiency intact. These days the management gurus are looking beyond the narrow and immediate confines of inventory management and are looking at managing the supply chain as a whole. Supply chain attempts to view the whole production process as a seamless entity that begins with market research for correctly evaluating consumer demand and follows the flow of inputs and services through the production process right till the time when the finished product reaches the final consumer. Thus this is a wider concept that includes all the stakeholders; right from the supplier that supplies raw materials to the final consumer that buys the product to satisfy a particular need. In between of course lie the producer, the labour and the service inputs from the tertiary sector of the economy. A supply chain in

Compare TWO different approaches to the study of food, and discuss Essay

Compare TWO different approaches to the study of food, and discuss what you find attractive or unhelpful about them - Essay Example Furthermore, an underlying framework cannot remain constant since it is susceptible of transformation under external stimuli. Both structuralism and post-structuralism tend to provide a theoretical framework that can help in understanding how cultures are affected by their food and cooking practices but post-structuralism provides a relatively flexible approach that accepts human influence and effects of historic events on culture. In order to understand the nature and behaviour of food with the help of structuralism, it is important to analyze the framework of this approach. Structuralism is an inspired phenomena hailing from Gestalt psychology. Gestalt’s theory attempts to find out a rationale ground of how human mind works and derives patterns out of random or unobvious events. This approach further explains that events, individuals or objects having same attributes tend to form an alliance and stay together. Similarly, structuralism is an approach through which human behav iour can be analyzed with the help of different frame of references networked together. This network of relationships helps in identifying the actual position of a norm, ritual or an object in human life. Through this framework, early linguists and anthropologists tend to identify the signs showing common indications. Therefore, structuralism became synonymous with semiology. These semiotics or doctrines of semiology helped the literary thinkers to deduct common patterns from folk tales that helped in understanding relations of cultures to each other and their further evolution along with rationales of various norms and traditions. Although this approach was a result of literary research performed by Ferdinand de Saussure and Vladimir Propp however it was given a broader definition in 1960s by Claude Levi-Strauss. Levi-Strauss used this approach to analyze human patterns of kinship and myths. This research was further extended by various others such as Mary Douglas. Levi-Strauss per formed his further research to identify the reasons for existence of similar myths present in different cultures. He explained that no myth has a value in its singular form and in order to have a meaning; it is supposed to have a certain place in myth’s network or structure. Hence, myths exists universally and they are source of resolutions to social conflicts. Along with myths, rituals and traditions, food and activities related to it play a vital role in understanding relationships existing between cultures. Levi-Strauss (1966, 1970) helped in identifying common patterns among different cultures and segregated the manner of culinary art of cooking in three fundamental categories i.e. boiling, roasting and steaming. These fundamental cooking principles indicated that through norms and methods adopted by a group of people, a meaning is produced in a culture which is reproduced and evolved through other peripheral practices. Activities as diverse as food preparations and exist ence of millions of recipes concluded that there were some common factors underlying in these cultures and they indicated a particular pattern of kinship that is known to different groups and individuals existing in a society, operating at unconscious level

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Critically review so called push and pull system of control for supply Essay

Critically review so called push and pull system of control for supply chains in the automotive sectore - Essay Example It is pretty obvious that the production process will most certainly be geared towards producing those items that are in greater demand as any business entity tries to shorten the working capital cycle as much as possible so as to generate maximum amount of profit in the shortest possible time frame. But there is one other element that affects the overall profitability of any organisation, and that is the volume of capital employed. As any student of management accounting is aware of, the quantum of capital employed in plant and machinery is more or less uniform across an industry as all players generally opt for the latest technology so as to enjoy maximum levels of operating efficiency. So, there is not much to differentiate between the competitors in that regard. But the area where the leaders leave the stragglers behind is supply chain management and inventory control. If a proper and taut control over inventory is not maintained, the level of capital employed can never be brough t down while keeping the operational efficiency intact. These days the management gurus are looking beyond the narrow and immediate confines of inventory management and are looking at managing the supply chain as a whole. Supply chain attempts to view the whole production process as a seamless entity that begins with market research for correctly evaluating consumer demand and follows the flow of inputs and services through the production process right till the time when the finished product reaches the final consumer. Thus this is a wider concept that includes all the stakeholders; right from the supplier that supplies raw materials to the final consumer that buys the product to satisfy a particular need. In between of course lie the producer, the labour and the service inputs from the tertiary sector of the economy. A supply chain in

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Employee Relations Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words - 3

Employee Relations - Essay Example internal environment & external environment. SWOT stands for S - Strength, W - Weaknesses, O - Opportunities, T - Threats and the analysis done through these four segments and is popularly known as SWOT Analysis. It helps in knowing the firms capabilities in the competitive environment in which it operates. The following diagram shows SWOT Analysis framework. The Trust employed around 1,000 staff in its Operations Supportive departments, which provides the technical, operational & professional and staff workers for the services like security, cleaning, maintaining the estate, managing the car-parking and also catering.  Ã‚   Unions’ rates up to 60%, having a membership of Unison, GMB, and TGWU represents the crafts work and skills of the employees.  Unions’ relation is good, along with 2 monthly meetings between the management and unions forms into a multi-union forum.   In the hospital, management teams have developed communication policy, this results in improving  in the feedback of staff through attitude surveys because of the relation with the top management. It is stated that the management will provide information to the staff about the changes which are going to prevail and what the reasons for such changes. Around 60% of the employees are stable in the job for more than 8 years. The groups work in an independent manner from each other and even from the organizations itself. In an effective way of management, the workers are developing demarcation and differentiating factors and their representatives of union are changing. There are issues regarding the delegatory, communicating, team-building, and employee empowerment  from the low to middle level of the members.   Those issues are subjected to be heated discussions among managers, union representatives and workers, particularly the changes which are â€Å"pushed†Ã‚  than negotiated.   There is a bad tendency of some supervisors and middle level managers to remove few

Confucius and Plato Essay Example for Free

Confucius and Plato Essay Editor Ken Wolf, at the beginning of the essay Confucius and Plato: A Few Really Good People, poses the question: â€Å"What is the best way to create a strong society? † (Wolf 25) It was surprising to a novice student of philosophy how similar the ideas of the ancient Chinese sage Confucius and famous Greek philosopher Plato were. Although, Confucius and Plato both made major contributions to the development of society, they showed both similarities and differences in these three subjects: ruling class, education, and faith in humanity. Confucius and Plato both believed virtue and intelligence were key components to creating a strong society. Confucius thought anyone who has been educated had the capability to develop into a ruler. Whereas Plato assumed anyone could be educated, but only a few, those in the ruling class had the ability to reason and thus were qualified to rule. In addition, Plato gave credence to the idea of being born into the ruling class, that the quality to reason was an inherited quality. Confucius and Plato were both strong believers that order was another main factor in a strong society. Although they both had laws to maintain the order, Plato had less faith in people in general to behave in a civilized manner. Both Confucius and Plato were in favor of education and were teachers themselves. Confucius’s followers were the ones who wrote the Analects, which talked about how civilization depends on â€Å"humanity† and â€Å"propriety†. Plato actually wrote The Republic which talked about his ideal â€Å"philosopher-king†. Plato established the Academy, which taught principles of ethics and government, for 900 years. Confucius attempted to teach the ruler to become a better person, but failed. The concepts put forth by Confucius and Plato begin to differ more when faith in humanity comes into play. Confucius and Plato both wanted to think there was good in everyone, but Confucius believed more in a â€Å"†¦society in which human relationships—especially those within the family—were more important than laws. † (Wolf 27) Plato concluded that the people needed to be controlled for there to be order. That control was maintained through the law. They both sought out peace and harmony, although Confucius focused more on the behavior of individuals and Plato was interested in universal truth even though it probably would not be accepted,. Plato felt that if a person tried to bring enlightenment to the masses â€Å"†¦they would probably try to kill to him for telling such tall tales, disrupting their lives and challenging their accustomed beliefs. † (Wolf 31) Even today, most people would agree with Confucius and Plato about the importance of educating people in the development of a strong society. The idea of relationships as the basis of society may be summed up in: â€Å"Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. † This Golden Rule seems to be as important to Western society as it was to Chinese society. However, the idea of a better quality of citizen that is better suited to lead society smacks of elitism and would definitely not be accepted in modern democracies. However, that does not mean that the elite educated class from Harvard and Yale has not been overrepresented in American leadership. So perhaps we have a ruling elite, but not as overt as Plato would like. A final thought from the essay would be: a harmonious and orderly existence is important to all societies.

Monday, October 14, 2019

Child labour in the Philippines

Child labour in the Philippines Child labour in the Philippines Introduction Do you know where that pretty shirt you are wearing was made? Or, that soccer ball you love to play with so much? Do you know if it was made in a fair and ethical way, or made by hard working, poor children who should be spending their time playing and in the school benches? This essay will be about child labour in the Philippines. Child labour is an important issue because affects people in a negative way, and because it, unfortunately, still happens a lot. There are different views on this issue that will be discussed in this essay. This essay will consider arguments for and against child labour in the Philippines, with factors such as money, conditions, health and education. Child labour is a term that is known for a very long time. Child labour stands for: employment of boys and girls when they are too young to work for hire, or when they are employed at jobs that are unsafe and/or unsuitable for their age (according to the US department of Labour). The legal age limit is shown in the Philippines is shown in the following article: Art. 139. Minimum Employable Age. (a) No child below fifteen (15) years of age shall be employed, except when he works directly under the sole responsibility of his parents or guardian, and his employment does not in any way interfere with his schooling.[1] The Philippines is a young nation with a high percentage of young people in its overall population. In the past, 1995-1997, one sixth of the children worked. Around this time 22.4 million children where aged between 5-17, which meant that this age group was about one third of the overall population of the Philippines at that time. (Initiating and Mobilizing Action Against Child Labor in the Philippines). Money Money is one of the main reasons why children work in the Philippines. The Philippines is a poor country. Many households depend on children to work. The contribution of kids is financially needed within these households. According to the NSCB (National statistical Coordination Board)[2], who investigated the poverty statistics for the government, thirty three out of one hundred Filipinos were poor in 2006, compared to thirty in 2003. Poverty incidence increased to 26.9% for families in 2006 compared to 24.4% in 2003. The investigation also shows that, in 2006, a Filipino family comprising of five members needed a monthly income of 4,1477 PhP (Philipine Pesos) to be able to sustain their familys minimum basic food needs, an increase of 23% from 2003. To be able to provide for both food and nonfood basic requirements, a family of five needed 6,274 PhP monthly income in 2006, an increase of more than 22% from 2003. The schools in the Philippines are tuition free, but the parents have to pay for the other expenses. The expenses include uniforms, projects and materials. In fact, even if schools would be cheaper, they still wouldnt be able to pay for it; since the families are so poor they need the children to work as well. There are also positive sides of child labour. Both children and employers profit from child labour. The children benefit from child labour by earning money for the work they do. Children that work and contribute to the total income of their family, help the family survive. Usually, the parents cannot afford food and other needs for every family member, that is why the childrens contribution is need. Not working could lead to starvation, and eventually, to death. Children working in factories receive between 15 and 25 pesos per day (approximately 61 cents to $1) . The children in mines reportedly earn between 40 and 50 pesos per day (approximately $1.62 to $2). Older packers earn between 250 and 300 pesos per day (approximately $10 to $12).[3] Employers also benefit from child labour, because the salary of children is lower than those of adults. Low salary allows the employer to sell cheaper goods, and with cheaper goods, the employers can generate more profit. As shown above the difference in salary is high Conditions/health children are significantly smaller than adults. In some sectors, like in the mines, this might come in handy, because children fit in places and holes adults do not. Children are also said to have more energy than adults, which means they can be more productive and maybe even work a bit longer. Children also have smaller hands, which makes them work more precise. Even though children seem perfect for these kind of jobs, the conditions they have to work in affect their health. Many of the kids that work, work in hazardous and dangerous areas, such as mines and factories. Not only is working in mines and agriculture dangerous for the children, some children are even forced to work as child prostitutes, in the porn industry, as child soldiers or as servants. Another bad side to child labour is that children are weaker than adults, and have to do heavy work that affects their health. Children also have to work long hours. Long hours take toll on childrens not fully developed body. Education Education is very important. Schools are the childrens sources to obtain knowledge and other information. Instead of working, children should learn from books. Without education, the hope of a better life is far away, since the probability of those children ending up with a good job is low. Labour often interferes with childrens education. There are children that work and attend school. This is bad for the child, since the child cannot only focus on school but still has the responsibility of earning money. Children that do not attend school might end up being poor, which might result in their kids having to work. This might become a vicious circle. Children that work have the advantage of learning, from an early age, how to deal with money. The children get taught how to deal with money and they end up knowing the value of money. They also learn how it feels to have responsibilities and how to provide for their families. Conclusion In conclusion, there are a lot of factors that you should consider before forming an opinion about child labour in the Philippines. Factors like, money, education, health and conditions. Children should have the chance to be a children. They should spend time playing and learning one another in school, and not wasting away their youth in hazardous factories. Every child has the right to have basic human needs, such as a healthy environment, shelter, nutrition, clean water, proper education and clothes. According to Unicef, a possible solution would be: ‘One of the keys would be ensuring that all children go to school and that their education is of good quality.[4] [1] The Philippines National Laws, [2] NSCB, [3] United States Department of Labor, [4] Unicef,

Sunday, October 13, 2019

To Autumn †A Proclamation of Life and Hope Essay -- Keats To Autumn E

To Autumn – A Proclamation of Life and Hope  Ã‚   The poem "To Autumn" is an amazing piece of work written by one of the greatest poets of all time, John Keats.   From a simple reading, the poem paints a beautiful picture of the coming season.   However, one may wonder if there is more to the poem than what the words simply say.   After it is studied and topics such as sound, diction and imagery are analyzed, one can clearly say that Keats used those techniques to illustrate the progression of death, and to show that there is still life at the end of life.     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   From the very beginning of "To Autumn,† sound appears to be an important aspect of Keats’s technique.   When the words are studied, there is an even mixture of loud and soft sounds.   Some soft sounding words – words that use consonant sounds that are soft when spoken such as an s -- include mists, close, son, bless, mossed, and trees.   There are also the hard sounding words – words that use consonant sounds that are loud when spoken such as a b or t -- like maturing, round, thatch, and budding.   The words do not appear to be randomly used, but they seem to have a pattern: the hard and soft sounds come in pairs.   In the second line, we see, "close bosom friend of the maturing sun.†Ã‚   Close and bosom go together, with close being loud and soft with the hard c and soft s, and bosom being loud and soft with the b and s.   The words â€Å"maturing sun† are not placed together haphazardly either.   Maturing is a v ery hard word with the m and t sound; sun is a very soft word, beginning with an s.   Also, in the third line Keats says, â€Å"Conspiring with him how to load and bless.†Ã‚   Autumn is conspiring . . . to load (loud due to the p and d sounds) and bless (soft due to the double s soun... ...cluding lively images such as crickets singing, red breasts whistling, and swallows twittering.   This ends Keats message of the vitality at the conclusion of life.     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Keats used the poem "To Autumn" to illustrate the progression of death and the existence of hope and life in the face of impending death.   He uses sound by moving from a mixture of loud and soft words in stanza one, to mainly soft in stanza two, to a complete mixture in stanza three of soft then loud.   He also uses diction and imagery by reflecting the quick and kinesthetic constitution of youth, the slow and full characteristics of the coming death, and the arrested and barren traits of death, and finally, the resounding proclamation of life and hope in the very end.   Works Cited: Keats, John. "To Autumn." Columbia Granger's World of Poetry. CD-ROM. Rel. 2.2. New York: Columbia UP, 1995.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Julius Caesar - Mark Antony Essay -- essays research papers

Mark Antony   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  It is human nature to change one’s personality to fit the situation. People behave differently when speaking to a dignitary that when talking to a friend. Over time one can change due to a loss or gain of power, sometimes for the better or worse. In Julius Caesar, for example, Mark Antony goes through several changes. Mark Antony loved Julius Caesar, yet when he passed away Mark Antony swears vengeance, and ultimately is corrupted by the power of running a country.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  At the beginning of the play Antony is harmless and extremely loyal to Julius Caesar. Mark Antony is about to run a race, but â€Å"When Caesar says ‘Do this,’ it is performed.† It is almost as if Mark Antony is only a puppet to Julius Caesar. He is being respectful of his leader, yet it seems as if he is fearful of him. While Caesar does not realize Mark Antony’s potential, Brutus underestimates him. Brutus refers to Rome as a body and Caesar as the head, yet â€Å"To cut the head off and then hack the limbs† would be killing Mark Antony. If the head of something was shot, there is no need to try to shoot the heart. Julius Caesar is concerned about his well-being, for good reason. Casca has been speaking in low tones and Caesar would â€Å"Have men about me that are fat† because he feels that they can be trusted easier. Caesar trusts Mark Antony as his closest confidant due to the fact that they have been like brothers all their lives.   Ã‚  Ã‚  &... Julius Caesar - Mark Antony Essay -- essays research papers Mark Antony   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  It is human nature to change one’s personality to fit the situation. People behave differently when speaking to a dignitary that when talking to a friend. Over time one can change due to a loss or gain of power, sometimes for the better or worse. In Julius Caesar, for example, Mark Antony goes through several changes. Mark Antony loved Julius Caesar, yet when he passed away Mark Antony swears vengeance, and ultimately is corrupted by the power of running a country.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  At the beginning of the play Antony is harmless and extremely loyal to Julius Caesar. Mark Antony is about to run a race, but â€Å"When Caesar says ‘Do this,’ it is performed.† It is almost as if Mark Antony is only a puppet to Julius Caesar. He is being respectful of his leader, yet it seems as if he is fearful of him. While Caesar does not realize Mark Antony’s potential, Brutus underestimates him. Brutus refers to Rome as a body and Caesar as the head, yet â€Å"To cut the head off and then hack the limbs† would be killing Mark Antony. If the head of something was shot, there is no need to try to shoot the heart. Julius Caesar is concerned about his well-being, for good reason. Casca has been speaking in low tones and Caesar would â€Å"Have men about me that are fat† because he feels that they can be trusted easier. Caesar trusts Mark Antony as his closest confidant due to the fact that they have been like brothers all their lives.   Ã‚  Ã‚  &...

Friday, October 11, 2019

DITSCAP/ Orange Book Essay

The difference between the Orange Book and the DITSCAP is that the Orange book depends on the information that comes from the computer software that are within the computer information systems for them to perform their tasks and to achieve their intended objectives. (Lee, 1999). On the other hand, DITSCAP gives a ground for assessing the security of the information systems that are within the organizations, business firms, individuals and other private firms that give support to the firm. However, DITSCAP is diminished in its efficiency due to lack of a combined certification and accreditation framework tool. When used alone, DITSCAPN can be a very tiring process to the user as it has numerous cross checks of the policies and the requirements. The complex and multiple information that exist between these diverse types of information hinder a person’s ability to understand, generate, and assemble and to give protection to the systems. (Lee, 1999). In other words, DISCAP gives the process that is to be used, the activities that are going to be undertaken, description of the activities to be undertaken as well as the type and method of the management structure that is going to be followed during the process of certification and accreditation of the information technology systems that help to give the necessary security to the computers. This process aims at ensuring that the security process that is used gives the best security to the computers throughout the lifecycle. The certification levels of the DITSCAP comprises of four phases where the first phase involves the definition of the process. This involves understanding the organization, the environment in which the organization is in and the architecture of the organization that helps to identify the type of the security that is required and the efforts that the organization is doing in order to achieve the accreditation. (Lee, 1999). The second phase, verification phase, involves an analysis of how the security systems have evolved or have been modified for them to comply with the System Security Authority Agreement. The organization uses SSAA to come up with a modified and binding agreement before there is any development on the system development or before making any change to the system. After the system accreditation, SSAA becomes the basis for the security configuration document. The third phase, validation phase ensures that there is a fully integrated information system as was earlier agreed on the SSAA. The fourth phase, post accreditation phase, gives the activities that are necessary for the continuity of the accredited information system to continue working in its computing environment and to face the challenges that the system may face in its entire life cycle. (Lee, 1999). The certification Levels relate to the graduations defined within the Orange Book in that the certification and accreditation process which are interrelated and which give feedback to the other earlier phases when it is necessary. (Wong and Yeung, 2009). Each of these phases has some of the activities that require to be undertaken. In addition each of the activity has a series of tasks that need to be undertaken depending on the requirements. Each of these tasks gives out the input which represents the type of information needed to complete a given task as well as the outputs which gives the product of the task or the information which may also serve as an input in other subsequent tasks. The certification and accreditation process has to be expanded in order to give more information about each of the stage and to ensure that the staff understand their role in the certification team. The value of the â€Å"Minimal Checklist† contained in Appendix 2 of the DITSCAP applications manual is that it establishes criteria to be used for certification and accreditation by giving a guide on the required efforts and other factors that are related to this system. Assurance is referred to as the confidence which the features of security, characteristics and the functions of these features give to enforce the security policy. The assurance can be established for the business, the components and systems of the security. Therefore, certification leads to the assurance of a certain system in relation to its environment whereas accreditation shows whether the impacts linked with the system are either weak, tolerable or if they cannot be accepted at all. (Wong and Yeung, 2009). References Lee, S. E. (1999). Essays About Computer Security. Cambridge. Wong, A. and Yeung, A. (2009). Network Infrastructure Security. Springer.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Information Technology Management Essay

Information and communication technologies play critical roles in sustaining an organizations growth and profitability (Galliers & Leidner, 2003). If managed properly, investments in information and communication technologies can improve efficiency and effectiveness of business processes and an organization’s competitive posture in the market. Proper management of information and communication technologies investments can also enrich people’s lives in the organization improving job satisfaction and productivity. Galliers & Leidner, 2003). Success in managing information and communication investments depend largely on exercising good management practices like human capital management, staff training management, information technology architecture management and software management (Galliers & Leidner, 2003). However, with all the potential benefits of investments in information and communication projects, they can be risky, costly and unproductive if not managed properly (Galliers & Leidner, 2003). Organizations should therefore strive to attract and retain information technology personnel that are qualified and talented to ensure the success of information and technology investments. This is further complicated by a tight information and technology labor market where qualified information and technology personnel enjoy high mobility. Discussion The position I am required to design is a leadership position intended to provide technical direction and guide an organization in implementing strategic information and communication projects (Food and Agriculture organization of the United Nations, 2010). The occupant of this position is expected to be able to handle a wide range of duties and responsibilities. He or she should be able to use his/ her exposure, technical experience and business knowledge in developing an organization’s technical plans and to advise senior management on information technology strategies, standards and governance (Galliers & Leidner, 2003). In addition he or she will be expected to monitor the industry’s trends in information technology and respond appropriately by formulating long term information technology strategies capable of improving an organization’s competitiveness. The senior information technology manager will work under the general supervision of the chief executive officer. In line with work plans and resource allocation coordination provided by the chief executive officer, he or she will be responsible for effective planning, supervision and delivery of assigned functions that fall within an information and communication department (Food and Agriculture organization of the United Nations, 2010) so as to ensure that an organization’s requirements for information systems and information technology are effectively and efficiently met. He will also be responsibility for ensuring that an organization’s computer systems have the capacity to meet the business needs of an organization by either upgrading existing systems or developing new systems (Info Tech Employment, 2008). Additional functions will include participation in planning, coordinating and setting policies for the development and implementation of an organization’s information technology strategies, supporting standards, procedures and practices, supervising and coordinating works of external firms in special projects or functions to ensure quality and timely delivery, providing consultant services in regards to procurement of new information technology equipments and computer systems, supervising members of staff assigned to special projects or functions and coordinating their training and development to ensure that they are up to the tasks and finally, developing and monitoring key performance indicators of assigned functions within an information technology department (Food and Agriculture organization of the United Nations, 2010). The senior information technology manager is expected to have an excellent working knowledge in information technology and a commitment to keep up to dat e with the latest development (Galliers & Leidner, 2003). He should demonstrate people’s management skills with an ability to motivate staff members, provide a cooperative and productive work environment, manage resources effectively to achieve objectives, organize and coordinate work in the department and explain technical issues clearly (Info Tech Employment, 2008). He or she will be tasked with leading changes that fall within the information technology department, hence must be able to integrate organizational and departmental goals, priorities and values. In addition, he or she should have experience in managing large scale projects in information systems and technology (Food and Agriculture organization of the United Nations, 2010). To fulfill these expectations, a university degree in computer science or related fields and appropriate professional certifications are mandatory. Moreover, the candidate of choice should have at least five years management experience in information technology. He should demonstrate experience with standard software applications and data manipulation, analysis and interpretation tools (Food and Agriculture organization of the United Nations, 2010). Conclusion Information technology investments can be very beneficial to an organization as a whole if they are managed properly. Organizations should therefore strive to hire and retain qualified, experienced and talented information technology managers. This is not easy given the current information technology labor market. The labor market is characterized by high mobility of qualified labor and organizations must put in place effective measures to ensure they hire the right people. One of the measures an organization should take is defining clear structures and responsibilities of all employees in the information technology department. The senior information technology manager will provide technical direction and guidance to the organization in implementing strategic information technology projects. He will be responsible for ensuring effective and efficient management of resources within the information technology department.

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Planning in Organisation for Creative Workforce Essay

Planning in Organisation for Creative Workforce - Essay Example This suggests that most of the organisations fail to utilise its workforce due to lack of planning leading to employee dissatisfaction. An employee who does not find any motivation into the job he performs, learns nothing out of the routine work, is not rewarded for any outstanding performance, and sees no challenge in his job is less likely to be motivated to work enthusiastically and perform at his best. Bramham (1987) propounds the most important aim of human resource planning in an organisation to foresee future need for employees not only in quantitative terms but also in qualitative manner such as the skills, calibre, performance and attitude required for particular types of jobs. Dessler (1999, p2) says that human resource management is all about devising policies and strategies for the employees working in the organisation. It includes selecting, training, evaluating, appreciating and providing convenient working environment for the employees. It shows that planning for creative workforce is very crucial for the survival and success of an organisation. The organisations use planning to select the kind of personnel it needs, motivate them and retain them towards future enhancement of organisational objectives. The organisations plan to realise organisational needs for workforce in future and take calculated steps to retain its employee through various means. In fact, human resource planning does not only enable an organisation to retain its employees but also to 'treasure' them so that they can gain more creative and efficient workforce. The use of planning by organisation to gain more creative workforce... Planning is the most important aspect of organisational management. Workforce planning is the key to acquire the kind of people the organisation needs and to retain them through various motivating factors such as salary, promotion, job security, learning opportunities, performance appraisals etc. It shows the criticality of organisational planning concerning human resource. Every organisation needs to plan in a proactive manner the labour needs that will arise in future. It will ensure that the organisation strives to attain the employees with suitable skills and attitude to train them for upcoming change. In this way, the organisation will have the 'right team' prepared for challenges when the time actually comes. Mullins (1996) maintains that human resource planning if done in an efficacious manner can enable the organisation to take imperative steps for the enhancement of employee productivity level at the right possible time. It assists the organisation in meeting all the necessary human resource requirements from hiring to firing in a systematic way. This reflects that human resource planning makes an organisation realise the factors undermining the productivity and calibre of its employees keeping them from achieving organisational objectives before it becomes too late. Most of the organisations do not actually plan to acquire highly qualified and skilled labour force, but most often to retain the employees on whom the organisation has already exerted substantial money and time. It mirrors that organisation will risk the creativity of its workforce if it does not properly plan for the development of its employees. Mathis (1997, p314) suggests that, â€Å"development can be thought of bringing about capacities that go beyond those required by the current job†¦As such, it benefits both the organisation and the individual’s career†.

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Causes of Juvenile Deliquency Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Causes of Juvenile Deliquency - Essay Example In this essay, there are three important factors that are considered to explain the causes of juvenile delinquency which include the fast-paced globalization, poor family bonding and extreme case of peer influence. The fast-paced globalization offers many significant things to people, but it simply tries to distort reality. Embracing advancements in all areas of life have important benefits to mankind but this specifically resulted to having different lifestyles at present compared from the past. Young people before may have productive learning opportunity and a clear view of reality. For instance, this is most probably because of the absence of fast-speed broadband connection. Nowadays, young people may have the opportunity to connect to the internet anywhere at anytime because of the presence of advanced communication gadgets and connectivity. Having these cutting-edge technologies are integral components of globalization. However, on the other end, these would be able to fulfill t he young people’s desires, wants or needs in just an instant leading some of them to live highly unproductive lifestyle. For instance, watching pornographic materials and any programs with illicit sexual contents may fill their desires for sex at an early age and even consume their time that should have been given to highly productive activities in life. They can also generate various ideas from the advancement of technology, but on the other end it would either help or destroy their learning advantage and view of reality. Today, young people are just simply exposed to instant information that may either destroy or help them depending on how they acquire and use it. Poor family bonding is another reason why children may potentially grow as violent individuals. Family is the basic unit of the society and it is at home that a child’s character should be substantially developed or formed. Excellent parenting is necessary nowadays. This activity requires different componen ts or aspects and one of it is having quality time for family bonding. It is by doing this activity that children or juveniles will be guided by their various decisions or plans in life by their parents. They would also have the opportunity to feel within themselves that they have family that cares for their needs or other relevant essentials in life. As a result, they could build trust and confidence in themselves which would always give them the best opportunity for deciding the best things for their lives. In other words, poor family bonding simply leads a child to the other way around. In this case, a child may lack the right perspective of viewing the right things for their lives because in the first place they have not experienced the opportunity to look at the right perspectives in living. As a result, various street children in the world ended up in juvenile confinement as they engaged themselves in heinous crimes or violence when they grew up. Another important factor that contributes to juvenile delinquency is an extreme case of peer influence. This substantially happens if various needs of children or young adults are not satisfied at home. Their outlet would be their friends which is the usual case in wherever part of the world. Young people usually confide

Monday, October 7, 2019


Pop-Tarts BRAND ANALYSIS PROJECT - Research Paper Example In addition, the intervention would improve the presence of the product in the market. In addition, the Company should shift its attention to the social media. In the meantime, people are shifting to social media is order to look for information concerning their products of choice. Furthermore, they are using the platform to assess the reviews of the people who have already used the products (Natow and Jo-Ann 109). This would enable the company to reach a mass market. On the other hand, the marketing department can use the platform to chat with the customers and understand various aspects that affect their consumption behavior. This would make it possible for the business to make changes on the product in order to satisfy the interests of the target market. In the past few years, there has a stiff price war between Pop-Tart and competitors products such as Toastettes, Toastables, and Toaster Strudels. This aspect is threatening the market share of the business and competitive advantage of the product. As a result, The Company should invest in the latest technology in order to lower the breakeven price. Furthermore, the company should invest heavily on improving operation efficiency, an aspect that will play a significant role in reducing unnecessary costs. This will make it possible to reduce the price of Pop-Tart in the market. Pop-Tart recorded sales have been in an increasing trend over the years However, if the company focuses more on the Spanish speaking community, it is likely to gain ground and recover its lost market share. The product has dominated the US, Canada, and UK market (Natow and Jo-Ann 76). However, in Canada and UK, the product is facing stiff competition from the local firms. This is because the firms are taking advantage of the local cultures which advocate for the consumption of locally produced goods. In addition, people in this region want to be associated with a company that

Sunday, October 6, 2019

Teenage Drug Abuse Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Teenage Drug Abuse - Essay Example Exploration and curiosity has been the best explanation for the prevalence. Many health specialists say that drug addiction prevalence is higher among the adolescents and the teens. The teens, just like other people take drugs in order to change their way of perception on things, how they feel and behave. Medical practitioners use psychoactive substances for these purposes. Kofi Annan says in one of his reports that the teens fall into addiction of three kinds of drugs and substances; depressants, stimulants and hallucinogens (Annan 2). Depressant affects or controls the nervous system and thus are sedatives. Stimulants regulate neural activity while the hallucinogens produce mental effects and changes. According to Annan, â€Å"The growing trend in abuse and production of psychotropic substances must be reversed.† (1). The reasons why teens get hooked up into drug and substance abuse are numerous. A number of studies have been done as to the causes of the phenomena and more o r less alike conclusions and findings were made. Unlike more of the past studies, which showed â€Å"having fun,† as the greatest reason for indulgence, more recent studies reveal that teens indulge into the habit in an attempt to solve problems. Stress, low self-esteem or social acceptance, misinformation, self-medication and easy access to drugs easily explain the scenario. A more recent study was done to ascertain the main reason why teens fall into the problem of abusing drugs (Anon 3- 4). In the study, which took 30 months and 923 youth respondents, one respondent had this to say; â€Å"If I don’t do drugs, I feel like am going insane. Because I have all these thoughts and all this pain, in my heart and I cannot get rid of it, you know? Drugs are the only thing that takes it away. That’s why I do drugs. Because it keeps me, not happy, but it keeps me from being so sad that I want to die.† (Anon 4) Proper ways of addressing stress among the teens woul d go a long way to curb the problem (Staff 1). More so, boosting self-esteem and proper information is vital in dealing with the problem of drug abuse among the teens. Staff says that the prevalence of substance and drug abuse is higher among the teens that are never told by their parents about drug abuse than those that are told (Staff 1, Para 7). She therefore concludes, â€Å"The sooner your teen gets help for drug abuse, the more likely they’ll be able to avoid the long-lasting consequences† (Staff 1, Para 8). Different ways have been advanced to curb the alarming rate of indulgence among the teens. As discussed above, corporate social responsibility, in the fight, is inevitable in order to win the battle. Parents, teachers, mentors and guardians have all a common responsibility of ensuring that drug abuse among the teens is controlled. In addition, another group of findings have shown that religious beliefs and religion have in the past played a critical role in t he battle against drug and substance abuse. According to Wallace, Brown, Bachman and La Veist, â€Å"Religious faithful teens are less likely to indulge in drug use as opposed to the non-religious ones,† (10). High rate of drug abuse is noted among the African and white Americans who are not ascribed to religious movements. Therefore, as the research by Wallace, Brown, Bachman and La Veist ascertains, religious affiliation go a long way in the

Saturday, October 5, 2019

Response to Article Questions Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Response to Questions - Article Example Cocoa is also lower the rate of weight gain when added to food with elevated fat levels. The ability to lower weight gain worked perfectly in research involving overweight mice (Esposito 2012). The weak points of this argument are its inability of the research to identify the exact period and location within which the research was done. It does not specify the gender of those involved in the research whereas we clearly know gender and age are important factors that may affect credibility of results. The article also fails to give the quantity of flavonoids in the cocoa used in the different tests. The article is biased in the one-dimensional approach it has given about black cocoa. It focuses only on the benefits black cocoa or black chocolate has but does not warn the readers of possible side effects, which might result for those who may choose to overindulge with the hope of speedy results. The article is so general on the dosage required and does not even specify the ages, which the given dosage is applicable. The strong point of the reported information is the simplicity with which it has addressed the issues involved. The language used is simple enough to be understoo d by many. The argument also provides evidence from already published journals, which one can use to ascertain the issues discussed. The article clearly interprets results obtained from mice animals that have been used for long to carry out tests and provide results closer to those in human subjects. The reported information is not detailed enough and it fails to address a number of very critical issues, which leaves the leader in doubt on the accuracy of the information. The reported information fails fully explain, if there has been any success in identifying the exact flavanoid in the cocoa beans that offers remedy for each of the condition. If they have been identified the paper should explain if any successful attempts to extract such flavonoids have been made. Other information

Friday, October 4, 2019

Arthur Schopenhauer Essay Example for Free

Arthur Schopenhauer Essay Arthur Schopenhauer is a German philosopher who was born on February 22nd, 1788 and died on September 21st, 1860. He was born in the city of Danzig but later moved to the city of Hamburg where he became interested in studying metaphysics, ethics and psychology. Schopenhauer is known as the philosopher of Pessimism because he created a theory that challenged the value of existence. Schopenhauer’s main focus was on individual motivation ‘the will’ and how human desires cause pain and suffering. He wrote a book on the will called The World as Will and Representation. This book was a collaboration of Kant’s idea of idealism with his own theory on that the will is the thing-in-itself. Schopenhauer was greatly influenced by thinkers like Kant and Plato. He as well influenced thinkers like Sigmund Freud, Ludwig Wittgenstein and Friedrich Nietzsche. Summary of Ideas: The ‘Will†: Schopenhauer believed that humans were only motivated by their basic desires. He believed that human desires only cause suffering and pain. As well he believed that human desires are illogical and directionless. He believed that the will controls all aspects of human life. Schopenhauer’s ideas on the will are similar to the ideas of Buddhism and the four noble truths. He believed that free will exists but humans are not able to achieve it because everything is determined by how the body reacts to a situation. He stated that Man can indeed do what he wants, but he cannot will what he wants. †(On the Freedom of the Will) Ethics: The basics of Schopenhauer ethics is about compassion. He believes compassion can’t be taught but only learned by experience. Compassion is the knowledge of seeing someone suffer equally to a suffering they have faced in their life and being able to relate and have sympathy for them. Schopenhauer distinguishes a good person not from the nature of their actions but the level of compassion they have for them. He believes that the difference between a good person and a normal person is distinguished by when seeing someone suffer the good person will sacrifice his own well-being for the other person. Therefore he takes on all their troubles. Schopenhauer believes this is the highest degree in ethical conduct. Pessimism: Schopenhauer believes since the will has no purpose or goal that the will can never achieve satisfaction. He believes the main goal of existence is to gain satisfaction but trying to achieve it is unsustainable because it leads to frustration. For that reason he says existence of human beings can only be characterized by suffering. He believes this theory is for all animals and since humans have a higher intellectual capacity that they will suffer more in life than any other animal. He as well stated that even using reasoning will not change the amount of suffering the person experiences because reason only increases the suffering. Schopenhauer concludes that nonexistence is and should be more preferable then existence. He believes people should realize that to exist is to suffer and the goal in life for people should be to try and resist one’s desires. Application: Animal Welfare: Schopenhauer believed humans and animals are essentially equal and the same. He believed that everything is basically will and that humans and animals are the same because they can recognize characteristics and emotion in each other. Schopenhauer stated â€Å"Unlike the intellect, it [the Will] does not depend on the perfection of the organism, but is essentially the same in all animals as that which is known to us so intimately. Accordingly, the animal has all the emotions of humans, such as joy, grief, fear, anger, love, hatred, strong desire, envy, and so on. The great difference between human and animal rests solely on the intellects degrees of perfection. (On the Will in Nature, Physiology and Pathology) He believed that a good person will have compassion for animals when they are hurt because they are fellow sufferers. People who are cruel to animals are not good people because they do not have compassion.

Thursday, October 3, 2019

Depression: Medication versus Therapy in Adolescents

Depression: Medication versus Therapy in Adolescents A Literature Review Mental health is a growing issue in the United Kingdom. According to Reynolds (2016), one in four individuals are diagnosed with a mental health illness. This literature review will look at the various perspectives of the use of medication to treat depression against the perspectives of psychotherapy as there has been a great increase in the number of prescription antidepressants dispensed, with 3.9 million additional antidepressant drugs dispensed in 2015 than in 2014 in England alone (Health and Social Care Information Centre, 2016). On the other hand, in 2014, 947,640 were referred to psychological therapies (Health and Social Care Information Centre, 2014). However, in 2015, there were 1,267,193 referrals made to psychological therapies (Health and Social Care Information Centre, 2015). According to Compton et al (2004), At any one time, approximately 1 in 20 children and adolescents suffers from major depressive disorder, with rates of depression rising dramatically in adolescen ts, especially in girls.. Depression is a mood disorder which causes a constant feeling of sadness and a loss of interest (Mayo Clinic, 2016). Depression was originally known as melancholia and was first noticed in the second millennium B.C, however, it was considered to be due to demonic possession (Nemade et al, 2007). The first medications to be introduced to treat depression were Iproniazid and Imipramine in the 1950s (Là ³pez-Muà ±oz and Alamo, 2009), there are now over thirty types of antidepressants on the market which are separated via categories: Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs), Serotonin and norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors (SNRIs), Monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAOIs), Tricyclics and other types, with SSRIs being the most common type (Tracy, 2017). In relation to psychotherapy, there are many types of therapies an individual can have, however, this literature review will focus on cognitive-behavioural therapy (CBT). There has been a substantial amount of research done in regards to treating depression with either medication or therapy. First to be discussed is the findings for combination treatment i.e CBT plus SSRIs. A qualitative study by Melvin et al (2006) found that both CBT and SSRIs, specifically Sertraline, were recommended for the treatment of adolescent depression. This study consisted of 73 participants: 22 were assigned CBT alone, 26 were assigned Sertraline alone and 25 were assigned a combination of both treatments. Participants receiving the CBT treatment were required to attend twelve 50 minute individual weekly sessions while the participants receiving Sertraline were required to take 25mg/day for one week. All groups exhibited considerable improvements which were then maintained for the following six months. Furthermore, a previous study by Asarnow et al (2009) also found the combination of medication and CBT to be superior to medication alone. However, this was only the case with adolescents who were white, in their late adolescent years and who did not exhibit self-harming behaviour. Contradicting, a qualitative study by March et al (2004), revealed a combination of a SSRI and CBT was found not to be the most effective form of treatment. This study included a variety of groups including SSRI alone, Placebo alone, CBT alone and CBT plus SSRI. In regards to limitations, the groups who received SSRI alone and placebo alone were blinded, meaning they did not know what medication they would be receiving. This was done to eliminate bias, however, some say that this is unethical as it deceives the participant (Schattner, 2011). On the other hand, Goodyer et al (2007) conducted a qualitative study involving SSRIs and CBT treatment in the NHS Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service (CAMHS) yet found no evidence to suggest that the combination of CBT plus a SSRI was superior to SSRI alone. This study consisted of 208 adolescents between the ages of 11 and 17 with moderate and severe depression. 103 received a SSRI medication and routine care while 105 received SSRI, routine care and CBT.   Although the medication in this study was different to the Melvin et al (2006) study, they were both in the SSRI group. Contrasting Melvin et al, Goodyer et al included adolescents who were experiencing active suicidality and self harm, which Melvin et al did not. This could explain the differences in results between the two studies. Although combined treatment has been shown to be an effective way of treating adolescent depression, it can also have some its disadvantages. Vitiello (2009) voices that combined treat ment requires more resources and is more expensive. To be argued next are the findings for SSRIs superior to CBT. Returning to the study carried out by March et al (2004), unlike the other studies March et al found that the SSRI alone treatment was superior to CBT alone treatment. However, it is noted that this could be due to the low dose of SSRI used. Although SSRI in this study was superior in rapidly reducing depressive symptoms, it doesnt present to be more beneficial than psychotherapy in the long run. Also, it has been found that there are disadvantages to SSRI treatment. According to a systematic review, of eight studies, conducted by Barbui et al (2009), there is an increased risk of contemplated or attempted suicide among adolescents who are prescribed SSRIs. Barbui et al also mentioned that specific SSRIs such as Paroxetine and Venlafaxine would be better avoided when treating adolescent depression as the risks associated with these medications outweigh the benefits. Contradicting, a meta-analysis of randomised controlled t rial by Bridge et al (2007), found the benefits of antidepressants for adolescents to be far greater than the risk of suicidal thoughts and/or suicide attempts. Due to these risks, in 2004 the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) (as cited in McCain, 2009) required a black box warning, which is the most serious warning and consists of the warning surrounded by a black border. The FDAs boxed warning on the labelling of antidepressants mentioned an increased risk of suicidal thoughts and behaviours in paediatric patients when using the medication. Conflicting, Valuck et al (2004) conducted a study which involved 24,119 adolescents from across the United States of America and found SSRIs has no significant independent effect on the risk of suicide attempts among adolescents. Next to be discussed are the findings for CBT superior to SSRIs. Returning to the study conducted by Melvin et al (2006), Although this study found the combined treatment to be effective, Melvin et al (2006) also found that CBT received a stronger response at the posttreatment assessment compared to Sertraline alone. Although, Melvin et al recognised that this cannot demonstrate an advantage to CBT as the lower dose and slower titration schedule could explain the difference compared with previous studies. In addition, an evidence-based medicine review by Compton et al (2004) found CBT, at the time, to be the best treatment for depressive disorders in adolescents. CBT can be extremely helpful in cases where medication hasnt worked. According to the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH, 2008), about 40 percent of adolescents with depression do not adequately respond to a first treatment course with an antidepressant medication. In cases like this, a combination of both CBT and SSR Is are used. Moreover, there has been research done on other types of treatment for adolescent depression, one being exercise. Although there has been little research done on this topic a randomised controlled trial orchestrated by Nabkasorn et al (2005), found exercise to improve depressive states. However, Nabkasorn et al did note that this study had some limitations such as its participants only being a very small group of adolescent females, 59 to be exact. Meaning that results from this study could not be transferred to other populations, ages, and severity of depression. In addition, a meta-analysis review (Cooney et al, 2013) of twenty five randomised controlled trials comparing exercise to various treatments such as placebo, pharmacological and psychological treatment. Cooney et al, found the exercise groups to have substantial improvement in depressive symptoms as opposed to the other groups. Divergent to Cooney et al, Blumenthal (1999, as cited in Carek et al, 2011) found that a variety of groups including exercise, pharmacological and combined, all had considerable improvement in their depressive symptoms with no a major difference between them. Another treatment method which has been studied is music therapy. According to Nauert (2014), a new study, the largest study of its kind, including 251 children and young people, found adolescents who received music therapy had significantly improved self-esteem and significantly reduced depression compared with those who received treatment without music therapy. Nauert states that these findings show the need for music therapy to be readily available as a treatment option. In addition,   Erkkila et al (2011), conducted a randomised controlled trial for music therapy alone or in combination with standard care including 79 participants. The results showed participants who received a combination of those treatments showed greater improvement in depression symptoms than those who received standard care only. According to Erkkila et al, the number of participants was sufficient enough to identify a difference between the two treatment options. Also, Castillo-Pà ©rez et al (2010), performs a randomised control trial for the effects of music therapy compared with psychotherapy for depression. This trial also consisted of 79 participants and found the participants receiving music therapy had fewer depression symptoms than those in the psychotherapy group. Dissimilar to Erkkila et al, Castillo-Pà ©rez et al noted that one of the major limitations for their trial was the somewhat small participant size yer the differences in depressive symptoms between the two trial groups were evident. There are many reasons as to why an individual would decide to take an alternative route for treating depression such as music therapy or exercise. According to Hanzell (2007, as cited in Maratos et al, 2008), this could be due to a lack of satisfaction with conventional treatments and/or a wish to avoid side-effects from medication or the stigma attached to seeking talking therapy. Also, Tartakovsky (2013) states other reasons could be the severity of the depression as many people arent sure if their state needs to be treated as there may be people with worse symptoms who need treatment more. Tartakovsky also states money can be an obstacle, in the UK the majority of the treatment individuals receive is free through the National Health Service, however, in other countries such as the USA, not everyone can afford to put their children into therapy and other treatments as their insurance plans may not cover the costs. In conclusion, it is apparent from research conducted that a combination of both SSRI treatment and CBT treatment is recommended to treat adolescent depression and appears to be the most effective way of treating adolescent depression. Although this is the most effective treatment it is not always the first in line, and SSRIs are more commonly the first point of call for adolescent depression. However, it has been noted that other forms of treatment such as exercise are equally as beneficial and should, in fact, be one of the first lines of treatment for adolescent depression. In addition, other treatments such as music therapy have shown to be beneficial and could be used as an additional treatment. Although there is research showing the benefits of treatments, there could be more research done in order to quickly find the right course of treatment for the individual.